The Importance of Volunteers
This week our class was visited by a very special guest, Tim Otteman's mom, Suzi Tengen! We got to meet the person who inspired our professor to become the events master he is today and learn from her intensive events career. Mrs. Tengen focused her talk on being prepared and volunteer treatment. She also convinced us all to get fanny packs!
She emphasized choosing volunteers wisely and utilizing them to their full potential. While friends are lovely people, sometimes they don't make the best volunteers. It is no secret that the keystone of any event is amazing volunteers, so choosing the best is very important. After selecting the proper workforce, you have to use them! Nobody wants to spend their precious time sitting around uncomfortably twiddling their thumbs when they thought they would be experiencing an event. By making volunteers identifiable and training them to be helpful they can work wonders for your program.
Mrs. Tengen's advice for being prepared was simple: have an event fanny pack and carry it everywhere. What should be in your event fanny pack? Her recommendations include a first aid kit, a sewing kit, an eyeglass repair kit, an emery board, pen and paper, hair ties, dental floss, lip balm, breath mints, and a little cash. Our class gave her some suggestions and together we created a comprehensive list to have on hand to turn little disasters into chances to impress. Watch out Macker fans, we're getting fanny packs!
Thank you for following the progress our class makes week after week. Your support means a lot to all of us! We don't have class this Thursday, but some of the class is headed to Grand Rapids for a one day Gus Macker tournament on Saturday! If you want to hear more from us, be sure to follow us on social media!
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